History of hearing

First, here are references to works written by people who have been active in hearing science (psychoacoustics,anatomy/physiology, physics/acoustics, engineering/signal processing, cognitive psychology, audiology).


[Bey99]Robert T. Beyer. Sound of Our Times: Two Hundred Years of Acoustics. Spinger-Verlag New York, 1999. URL: www.springer.com/gp/book/9780387984353.
[Hun92]V. Hunt, Frederik. Origins in Acoustics. Yale University Press, 1st edition edition, 1992.
[Plo01]Reinier Plomp. The Intelligent Ear: On the Nature of Sound Perception. Psychology Press, 1st edition edition, 2001. URL: https://www.amazon.com/Intelligent-Ear-Nature-Sound-Perception/dp/0805838678.


[Bor44]E. G. Boring. Sensation and perception in the history of experimental psychology. The American Journal of Psychology, 57(1):97–105, 1944. doi:10.2307/1416868.
[Yos15]William A. Yost. Psychoacoustics: a brief historical overview. Acoustics Today, 11(3):46–53, 2015.